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giancoli physics 6th edition solutions pdf download

Giancoli Solutions on Video

Learn physics easily with guided practice.


  • 1,930 video solutions for all regular problems in Giancoli's 7th Edition and 1,681 solutions for most regular problems in the 6th Edition.
  • Final answer provided in text form for quick reference above each video, and formatted nicely as an equation, like $E=mc^2$. This is useful if you are in the library or have a slow internet connection.

  • Pen colors make the step-by-step solutions clear. Red is used to illustrate algebra steps, and to substitute numeric values in the final step of a solution. When a solution switches to a new train of thought a different pen color emphasizes the switch, so that solutions are very methodical and organized.
  • Solutions are classroom tested, and created by an experienced physics teacher.
  • Videos are delivered with a high performance content delivery network. No waiting for videos to load or buffer.
  • Pause, rewind, repeat, and never miss what is being said.

Sample solution

Giancoli 7th Edition, Chapter 5, Problem 12


Trusted by more than 4,400 students

Dear Mr. Dychko,
Physics has never been my strong point so I was nervous about taking Physics this semester. I am so glad that I found your website! I am often confused during my classes because my teacher goes so quickly over the material and tends to be disorganized. Doing the book problems along with watching your solution videos has helped me understand the material a lot better. You have even showed me a few tricks that I've been able to successfully use during my exams. Thank you for making this site!

Student at University of California, Irvine

I wanted to thank you for taking the time and effort of working out the solutions! I know that was a tedious task, but those of us that needed that extra assistance GREATLY appreciate it!! I would not have been able to have done as well as I did in Physics II without the breakdown step by step clarification that was provided. Thanks again for your effort! I would highly recommend the use of this site to anyone taking Physics.

Kristie, Winston-Salem State University, NC

These videos are 40 times more valuable than lecture, the text book, and so much cheeper and efficient than a private tutor.

Maggie, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL

Thank you so much... the videos were very helpful. I was studying at McGill in a class of 650 students so it was very helpful to be able to go over any questions I was unsure of. And your explanations were great. 5 out of 5 star rating from me.

Kelly, McGill University, Montreal, Canada

Thank you so much for making all these videos, you helped me get an A in both my college physics courses! With your help I ended up working just about every problem in the Giancoli book. Not only did I get the good grades but these exercises have proven invaluable to understanding and working more complex problems in the advanced classes for my major in Mechanical Engineering.

Robert, Greenville Technical College in Greenville, SC

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